How has your car performed for the past months? Can you safely say that you have had no worries about driving in general?
Have you checked on your oxygen sensor’s performance lately? Have you recently paid a visit to your trusted auto repair shop to assess this in particular? If yes, do you know how much does oxygen sensor replacement cost?
If not, well here is a good estimate plus some helpful tips, just in case you need it.
On average, it will cost you between around $20 to around $100 for a complete replacement. This O2 sensor price range, though, does not include the charges for the labor.
If you plan on doing the repair or replacement yourself, know that the cost of oxygen sensor runs from $25 to $50.
The wide ranges depend on several different factors such as the type or model of the vehicle, the need for a repair or a replacement, and the labor fees and other charges if you are handing the job over to your mechanic.
How it Works
According to, an oxygen sensor or O2 sensor is basically the “part of the emissions control system that feeds data to the engine management computer.” In a nutshell, this sensor keeps the engine “work as efficiently as possible”, making it one of the most significant auto parts in the entire vehicle system.
Because the primary role entails detecting whether the mixtures of the fuel are lean or rich, it is also the job of the O2 sensor “to adjust the amount of fuel entering the engine accordingly.”
When this sensor fails and the measurements depend on the computer’s guesses only, your vehicle will consume either too much or too few fuel. This may fail you right in the middle of your driving, and you would not want that to happen.
Doing it Yourself versus Hiring a Mechanic
These two options will cost you differently for sure, but either way, the first thing you need to know is your oxygen sensor’s condition. Choosing a DIY over a paid labor will be highly dependent on the degree of damage that your O2 sensor has incurred.
So the first step is to have all processes inspected by an expert. If you can ask some friends for a referral, that would cost you less for a basic assessment. If you specifically suspect the sensor problem, you will only need the engine computer for the process.
If you are waiting for some sign that your O2 sensor is already in need of a work-up, then watch out for the “Check Engine” light to turn on. And for an effective follow-up, use a handheld scanner or reader for double checking.
Aside from the tools needed for a basic car repair, you will also need the mini individual parts that may have already worn out from too much use or old age. And if this is your first time, have a clear, step-by-step guide printed or saved on your phone so you can be guided in the entire process.
Wiki How provides a sample guide that you can use to your convenience. The steps are summarized as follows:
ï Locate the oxygen sensor on your vehicle—it is usually the one “that looks like a spark plug and sticks out of the exhaust pipe”
ï Disconnect the electrical connection by “pushing in the tabs and pulling the connection apart”
ï Unscrew the oxygen sensor off the exhaust pipe using a wrench or a special custom-made socket
ï Compare your new O2 sensor to the old one so you can make sure that all electrical connections are sealed or soldered appropriately. (Note: You may refer to your car manual to know which wires go together)
ï Reverse all the preceding steps on the removal of the sensor so you could install the new one
ï Plug back all electrical connections
ï Try turning on the ignition key and check the engine computer
ï Test drive your car
These are the fundamentals of changing the sensor yourself. You have to remember that there isn’t just one constant solution to this kind of vehicle problem. It still is a case-to-case basis. What may work for your car’s model may not work for the others’.
As for handing the job over to an auto expert, you may need to spend money that is not originally part of your budget. If you are a bit reluctant, just think of the convenience that this offers. It will save you time and, more importantly, effort.
Where to Ask for Repair
Your Mechanic provides a handy “Get Your Quote” search engine feature on their website which gives the customers a good and instant estimate of their possible expenses depending on the type of vehicle owned.
On an average, Your Mechanic’s physical auto repair shop offers a warranty of 12 months with the cost of oxygen sensor replacement at a minimum of $100 to a maximum of $500. This price range is inclusive of both the parts and labor fees.
Meanwhile, there’s Midas repair shop that also caters to the same services. They offer a warranty of 12 months as well. The O2 sensor price and the labor cost total to around $130 to $400.
Mr. Tire, on the other hand, offers the same length of warranty but their minimum starts at a lower rate. The shop starts at $100 and, depending on the amount of labor, could go up to $500. If you are not in an emergency situation or not in a hurry, you can book an appointment in just one click via their website.
If you are planning to do this on your own, you may purchase the oxygen sensor parts themselves from the nearest WalMart store for $25 to around $40. Or if you prefer online shopping, Amazon has them for $20 to $100.
So how much does oxygen sensor replacement cost? Pick the most convenient for your budget.