Title Boxing Club Membership Prices

Keeping yourself fit and your body healthy is a primary concern for many people as many are now health conscious. But doing so takes dedication, commitment and of course, money. That is why Title Boxing Club is there for you. They believe that they are a catalyst for change as they put your dedication, tenacity, and intensity into good use. Before you jump ship and enroll, it is best if you know the Title Boxing membership cost so that you can prepare yourself for their membership fee.

Cost Of Title Boxing Club Membership

If you want to make a commitment to become the best version of you then enrolling at the Title Boxing Club is the best option for you. They are focused on their workout routine but still adds a touch of fun and diversity. With this information, it is the time that you know the Title Boxing Club prices.

Below are the basic estimates of the Title Boxing membership cost:

Club CardTitle Card
Initiation Fee
Monthly/Annual Fee$79.00$149.00$719.00$1439.00

There are two payment options that you can choose from if you want to enroll at the Title Boxing Club. They call their payment terms as Club Card and title Card. The Club Card is a month to month payment term while the Title Card is for annual payment.

If you opt to choose the Club Card option, you can either enroll as a single member or a dual member. An initiation fee needs to be paid first when you enroll. For a single member, the Title Boxing Club prices on their initiation fee will cost you $149.00 while the monthly fee is $79. But if you do enroll as a duo; either with a partner or a family member, the initiation fee for 2 persons will only cost $299 and the monthly fee for 2 person is $149. The initiation fee between a single member and a dual member will remain the same, however, if you do enroll as a duo, you will save around $5 per person.

You can also pay the Title Boxing membership cost annually. You can save a lot of cost if you do choose to pay the annual pay option. If you compare the price, the initiation fee of a single member paying annually is only $99. That is a saving of $50 and if you are a duo, your initiation fee is only $199. That is a big saving, as large as $100 for the both of the enrollee.

With regards to the annual fee, if you are a single member, your annual fee is just $719 which means that you can save as much as $20 a month because you would only get to pay around $59 monthly. But if you enroll as a pair, your annual fee will be $1439. That will be a savings of $30 compared to paying monthly.

Here is what you can get if you do enroll. They have several workout routines that you can choose from. They have boxing, kickboxing and technique training. On their training sessions, you will undergo warmup sessions which includes cardio drills and stretches to kick start your heart. Then followed by your regular workout and active rest to keep your cool.

If you want to commit yourself to be fit for the whole year then choose the annual payment scheme and you will even get a big discount on the Title Boxing Club prices. This will be a great saving for you and for your body as well. But do not get pressured on enrolling if you are still not sure if this gym is for you. You need to think and make the decision for yourself.

How Much Does The Workout Materials Cost

If you want to join the boxing workout session of the Title Boxing Club then you would need a couple of materials so that you can start your sessions. First, you would need to have boxing gloves and the Sanabul Punch and Workout Gel Boxing MMA Kickboxing Crossfit Handwrap Gloves is a good choice for you. This only cost around $20 and comes in different sizes and color.

Image of a boxer training

You can also purchase the Sanabul Punch and Workout Gel Boxing MMA Kickboxing Crossfit Handwrap Gloves if you want to bring your boxing or kickboxing proactive anywhere you go. It only cost $10 and it includes a speed rope so you can work on your double-unders and skip your ropes.

If you are into kickboxing then you would need to have a hand wrap to protect your hands. The Everlast Hand Wraps cost only $4 while the Sanabul Gel Quick Hand Wraps Boxing Kickboxing MMA Muay Thai cost $10.  You can also purchase a Mava Sports Ankle Support Compression Socks to support your ankles during running, cross training and other workout routines that involves strenuous activity on your feet.

If you want to practice at home then you can purchase the Everlast 4318 Punch Mitts for only $17. This will help you sharpen your techniques in boxing and it is durable and made up of premium synthetic poly canvas to make your practice comfortable. You can also purchase the Everlast Thai Pad. It is made up of multi-layered foam padding and can absorb the impact of your punches and kicks which cost only $21.

Always remember that you need to be always safe during this workout routines and the Title Boxing Club can help you stay in shape at the same time. You need to use the proper equipment during workout sessions to ensure that you don’t get injured. You should also be calm during your session and do not let your ego get in the way.

You should also listen to your instructor as they will teach you the proper fist form when you punch. They will teach you how to properly align your fist, wrist and forearm. Lastly, you should understand how to properly strike and not just keep on hitting the foam. This way you can get the full workout output that you wanted.

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