How Much Does Sewer Line Replacement Cost

Considering how much modern infrastructure have suffused every aspect of ordinary Americans, it is easy to take these mechanical necessities for granted. This includes the standard human waste disposal we all know as toilets and its interlinked sewage systems. An average citizen with no health issues urinate at least 7 times per day and empty their bowels 3 times at most. This means one person pumps body wastes about 10 times within the 24-hour period.

Therefore, home sewer pipes need to be fully operational at all times. When sewer pipes are broken, it is something one must address with relative degree of urgency. The more it is left unattended, the more wastes clogs the system and pump human wastes into your bathroom floor (instead of far away from it)!

replacement of sewer lineIn times that the immediate sewage system already causes undue inconvenience, it is time to have the sewer lines within the vicinity repaired. The average sewer line repair cost is usually around $50 to $250 per foot.

However, when one has to consider the cost to replace sewer line, it is important to take note that there are two methods of sewage repairs one can opt for. The traditional procedure that requires excavation typically costs an average total of $3,000 to $6,000 but it only accounts for conservative practice that does not have any underlying technical (e.g. environmental) difficulties. With traditional excavated sewage repair, costs can easily escalate if a technician sees obstacles (see more below). Take note: this cost only accounts for the repairs alone. It does not include the repair of damaged landscape caused by the excavation.

The new trenchless procedure is intended for repairs that directly deals with the difficulties and inconveniences associated with traditional repair on a very difficult terrain. Trenchless repairs in a household setting are considerably more expensive, costing an average ranging between at least $3,000 and $25,000 at most.

Time For Sewer Line Replacement

Knowing the average cost to replace sewer line, it stands to reason that any discussion of sewer repair should not be taken lightly. Although it is crucial for every household to be prepared, knowledge of when to have the sewer line replaced takes precedence. So when exactly is the time to have one’s sewer line replaced?

Ordinarily (often under perfect circumstances), any sewer pipe material is built to last for as much as a century. The least estimated timeline is about 50 years. But throughout that extensive timeline, mechanical causes for a damaged pipeline are highly unavoidable. Most of the time, the actual extent of the impairment is invisible until close inspection.

It is easy to catch signs indicating that the sewer pipes ‘might be’ broken. This could be a hint but not exactly definitive for an information. Whenever you see signs like wet sinkholes or wafting septic odor, it is time to arrange for an invasive camera inspection inside the sewer lines. This could cost around $300 but a technician will be able to fully assess the condition of your sewer pipes.

3 Assessment Factors For Replacement

As mentioned earlier, the escalation of sewer line repair cost is very well caused by environmental challenges. There are three ways of knowing how much of an increment is needed on top of the average estimated budget. These are the following factors that determine prior to the pipe repairs:

  • Distance from the main street

Take note: the cost to replace sewer line is first measured per foot. When it comes down to it, the distance between the main street with a sewer manhole and the residential area that needed replacement will determine how much you will be paying for the extensive correction.

  • Location of the house trap

Another factor that can marginally affect the cost is the exact location of the home’s sewage trap. It is fortunate for some households if their house traps are easily accessible (usually located at the basement). For those with house traps located under the ground, a distance of 10 feet excavation could significantly increase the price.

  • Nearby subterranean obstructions

Trees are good. The only bad thing about them is when an owner was not careful where they are planted. In fact, trees are considered to be one of the main causes of sewer pipe destruction, since roots are attracted to moisture and ‘biodegradable residue.’ If they don’t burst pipes, they at least ‘potentially’ impede the streamlined path of sewage pipes. The rerouting of sewer pipes adds more distance between the house trap and the main sewer lines, therefore adds more to the overall sewer line repair cost.

To Trenchless, Or Not To Trenchless?

By raw calculation alone, the cost to replace sewer line via traditional method is obviously cheaper than the trenchless procedure. However, as mentioned earlier, this raw estimate does not address technical difficulties which entail significant property damage. Case in point: a ruined garden landscape is already considered an ‘accepted collateral damage.’

Trenchless repairs are convenient because they are ‘minimally invasive.’ They do not cause necessary destruction to its immediate surroundings and they also entail lesser time to complete. Given the certain advantages it has over traditional excavation method, the usual reaction of most homeowners is to jump into the bandwagon of ‘cost efficiency’ and ‘better return on investment.’

It is important to take note, however, that not every situation is practically inconvenient to immediately opt for a few thousand dollars of high-tech trenchless repair. A house that is relatively near the main street, with an easily accessible house trap and has very minimal front yard landscaping can save several hundred dollars with traditional repairs, even more so if their sewer pipes run level at a comparatively shallow depth.

What frugal home owners do to curb the expenses of repairing the damage to their garden is simply roll their sleeves and re-do the gardening themselves. Extra manual labor has its own benefits since it is a chore worthy of an alternative workout.

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